Welcome to edutronic

Hi there people , this is Samy welcoming you to edutronic. Edutronic is a site where you can be able to talk to the world from your very own computer. You can tell the world about how you’re feeling or just what you homework is by publishing your work like I am doing now. When you send your work you can either choose if you want your work to be seen by the world or you can just send it to your teacher by using the private button.  Also when you  publish your work it goes to the teacher first and your teacher decides if it’s good enough or if you need to improve on some things. Edutronic is a new exciting way to produce your work. So have Fun






One response to “Welcome to edutronic”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Hi, Samy

    Thank you for (as you so often do) going beyond the call of duty with your first blog entry and explaining how it all works. I hope this is going to be useful for you and I am committed to making sure I comment frequently and quickly on the work you do.

    Welcome aboard!

    Mr Waugh
