Category: Communication
Romeo and Juliet Interpretation
In the film we are watching the film maker changes a lot of elements from olden days features to modernised features. In this blog I will be telling you some features of how we interrupt them. One of them are that they change daggers and swords to guns , which are used in real fife…
The Hand of Fate
At the start of the play , the chorus tells us a little speech of what is going to happen in the play . The line ” A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life” tells us that the 2 lovers (Romeo and Juliet) take their lives away . It is a bit weird to…
Welcome to edutronic
Hi there people , this is Samy welcoming you to edutronic. Edutronic is a site where you can be able to talk to the world from your very own computer. You can tell the world about how you’re feeling or just what you homework is by publishing your work like I am doing now. When…
This is Your Online Domain
Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at the London Nautical School. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work…